4-H Season is Upon Us! A Look at this Important Youth Organization

June and July mean warmer temperatures, outdoor activities and numerous county 4-H fairs taking place around our great state. We’d like to take the time to recognize just a few of the valuable benefits of this outstanding 120-year-old organization.
Youth Development
Did you know that 4-H is America’s largest youth development organization with an estimated six million members? Their mission is to cultivate young people and teach leadership values that extend beyond agriculture. Through local clubs, 4-H provides educational content, research opportunities, and several activities and programs based in agriculture, science, health, and civic engagement.
Along with activities, 4-H exposes youth to important skills and experiences in leadership, teamwork, and the value of hard work. These include running meetings, leading a group, judging opportunities and public speaking. 4-H programs are available across the country by contacting the local 4-H office in your county.
Serving the Community
As expressed in the 4-H pledge, members commit their “hands to larger service” for “my club, my community, my country and my world.” Serving others in the community is a key tenet for 4-H’ers and local clubs provide countless chances to do just that. Opportunities may involve volunteering, running a fundraiser, mentoring youth, providing a service, or helping those with special needs. This teaches lasting values of giving back and the importance of being involved in one’s community.
Enduring Impact
Studies have shown that 4-H youth are four times more likely to contribute to their community and are two times more likely to be civically engaged, participate in out-of-school science programs, and make healthier choices.
Scholarship Opportunities
The Indiana 4-H Youth Development Program annually awards more than $125,000 in scholarships to 4-H members moving on to post-secondary education. Scholarships recognize achievements in life skill development resulting from their participation in a variety of 4-H experiences. A list of scholarships can be found by visiting https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/get-involved/scholarships.html
Farmers & Merchants Bank proudly supports our local 4-H Clubs.
NMLS #718145
published on 07/29/2022