The Benefits of 4-H to Our Community & Our Youth

It’s 4-H season with county fairs wrapping up or getting underway around the state. Now is a great time to recognize just a few of the valuable benefits of this outstanding 120-year-old organization.
Youth Development
First and foremost, 4-H is America’s largest youth development organization with an estimated 6 million members. It’s built to cultivate young people and teach leadership values that extend beyond agriculture. 4-H, through their local clubs, provides educational content, research opportunities, and countless activities and programs based in agriculture, science, health, and civic engagement.
Along with activities, 4-H exposes youth to important skills and experiences in leadership, teamwork, and the value of hard work. This may include running meetings, leading a group, judging opportunities and public speaking. 4-H programs are available across the country by contacting the local 4-H office in your county.
Knowledge & Experience
Through presentations, hands on activities and interaction with leaders from a variety of backgrounds, members get firsthand experience while learning about the latest advancements in agriculture, health, and science. Projects in veterinary science, dairy, woodworking, livestock and more not only refine skills and expand knowledge but help develop a passion in various sectors. These opportunities better prepare young adults for an agriculture or related career.
Community Service
As stated in the 4-H pledge, members commit their “hands to larger service” for “my club, my community, my country and my world.” Serving others in the community is a key tenet for 4-H’ers and local clubs provide many chances to do so. Opportunities may involve volunteering, running a fundraiser, mentoring, providing a service or helping those with special needs. This teaches the lasting value of giving back and being involved in one’s community.
The Indiana 4-H Youth Development Program annually awards more than $125,000 in scholarships to 4-H members moving on to post-secondary education. Scholarships recognize achievements in life skill development resulting from their participation in a variety of 4-H experiences. A list of scholarships can be found by visiting
Farmers & Merchants Bank proudly supports our local 4-H Clubs.
NMLS #718145
published on 07/20/2021